Karoo Coffee
Karoo is a dry tableland in the capes of southern Africa. Karoo is best defined by its vegetation, which consists of assorted succulents and low scrub bushes grouped in various spacing sets. It is a semi-desert area mostly devoid of surface water, and its name is derived from the Khoisan word meaning “land of thirst.” It’s a rare geographical place with a limited number of resources and special types of species. Our selected coffees are also rare, limited, and special, and this is why we chose the name Karoo Coffee.
The Karoo region is divided into several districts. The Little Karoo in the central Western Cape province, the Great Karoo in the Western Cape and Eastern Cape provinces, and the Northern Karoo in the Northern Cape, Free State, and Northwest provinces. Various animals live in a range of arid habitats within the districts associated with the Karoo.
Karoo Coffee’s logo is a creative depiction of the Karoo Korhaan, also known as Karoo bustard. This is one of the popular birds that has specially adapted to the Karoo region. It is a medium-sized, inconspicuous gray-brown colored bird with a stark face, long neck, long legs, a black throat patch, and soft wing patches that display during flight. Despite its drab colors, its other features are the most distinct among the entire region’s Aves class “bird family”.
Karoo Korhaan